Anne Runehov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Philosophy of Religion (neurophilosophy)
Independent Researcher, Writer, Editor
Freelance writer for the section of Philosophy, National Encyclopedia (NE), Malmö. 2019-09 -
Independent researcher, editor, writer 2014-
Guest-researcher: Dept. Systematic Theology, Faculty of Theology, Copenhagen University, Nov. 1, 2010 – Oct. 2014.
Director of the Copenhagen University Network of Science and Religion (CUNCR) 2008-2013.
Post-doctoral fellow: Centre for Naturalism and Christian Semantics, Faculty of Theology, Copenhagen University, Sept. 1, 2008 to October 30, 2010.
Post-doctoral fellow: Dept. Systematic Theology, Copenhagen University, Faculty of Theology, June 2006 – august 2008.
Non-permanent lecturer, Uppsala University, Faculty of Theology: 2003-2006; Copenhagen University, Faculty of Theology: 2008-2009.
2006 ESSSAT research prize winner
Selected Publications:
2016. The Human Being, the World and God: Studies at the Interface of Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind and Neuroscience. Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland.
2007. SACRED or NEURAL? The Potential of Neuroscience to Explain Religious Experience. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG.
Edited volumes
Anne L.C. Runehov & Lluis Oviedo. (Eds.) 2013. Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. 4 volumes. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media.
Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne Runehov and Knut-Willy Saether and Bernard Michollet (Eds.) 2020. Issues in Science and Theology: Nature – and Beyond. Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland.
Hans Ferdinand Angel, Lluis Oviedo, Ray Paloutzian, Anne Runehov and Rüdiger Seitz. (Eds.) 2017. Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions. Switzerland: Springer.
Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne Runehov and Knut-Willy Saether. (Eds.) 2017. Issues in Science and Theology: Are we Special? Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland.
Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne Runehov and Knut-Willy Saether. (Eds.) 2016. Issues in Science and Theology: Do Emotions Shape the World? Vol. 3, Switzerland: Springer Intl. Publ
Runehov, Anne L.C., Charles Taliaferro, 2013. “Understanding Darwin or Darwinian Understanding” Copenhagen University Discussions in Science and Religion, Vol. II. Copenhagen: Faculty of Theology Publications.
Runehov, Anne L.C., Niels Henrik Gregersen and Jacob Wolf. (Eds.) 2010. “The Human Project in Science and Religion.” Copenhagen University Discussions in Science and Religion, Vol. I. Copenhagen: Faculty of Theology Series.
Selection of Articles and Book Chapters
2018. “Filosofiska metoder i praktiken: hur kan man arbeta som neurofilosof?” In Uppsala Studies in Philosophy of Religion. (Eds.) Mikael Stenmark, Ulf Zachariasson och Karin Johannesson, Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 155-176.
2017. “Credition and Justification”. In Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions. (Eds.) Hans Ferdinand Angel, Lluis Oviedo, Ray Paloutzian, Anne Runehov and Rüdiger Seitz, Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland. 195-208.
2016. “Cognitive or Affective? A Philosophical Analysis of Modes of Understanding Compassion”. In Issues in Science and Theology: Do Emotions Shape the World? Eds. Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne Runehov and Knut-Willy Saether, Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland, 87-98.
2016. “How to Understand Time in relation to Timeless Divine Action in a Time-Dependent World?” In Embracing the Ivory Tower and Stained Glass Windows. (Ed). Jennifer Baldwin, Switzerland: Springer Intl. Publ. 27-44.
2014 “God or Ultimate Reality in Theory and Practice.” In Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality, (Eds.) Stefan Schmidt, and Harald Walach, New York and Berlin: Springer Verlag GmbH. Chap. 17, 297-317.
2014 “Leder neurovidenskabelige forklaringer på religiøse erfaringer till naturalism?” In Noget og Nogen – et mellemværder. En samtale mellem teologien og naturvidenskaberne. (Eds.) JøBo Christensen og Nicolai Halvorsen. Fredriksberg: Aros Forlag, 177-200.
2012. “Om religiös respektive vetenskaplig fundamentalism.” (Religious vs. Scientific Fundamentalism). In Att undervisa om religion och vetenskap. Eds. Olof Franck and Mikael Stenmark, Lund: Studentliteratur AB, 113-13.
2012. “Imago Dei and Simulatio or Imitatio Dei: A Philosophical Essay on Empathy.” Theology and Science, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Vol. 10, No. 4, 411-431.
Walach, Harald and Anne L.C. Runehov. 2010. “The Epistemology Status of Transpersonal Psychology – The Data-Base Argument Revisited.” Journal of Consciousness Studies 17: 1-2, 145-165.