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Anne Runehov


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Philosophy of Religion (neurophilosophy) 

Independent Researcher,  Writer, Editor


  • Freelance writer for the section of Philosophy, National Encyclopedia (NE), Malmö. 2019-09 -

  • Independent researcher, editor, writer 2014-

  • Guest-researcher: Dept. Systematic Theology, Faculty of Theology, Copenhagen University, Nov. 1, 2010 – Oct. 2014.

  • Director of the Copenhagen University Network of Science and Religion (CUNCR) 2008-2013.

  • Post-doctoral fellow: Centre for Naturalism and Christian Semantics, Faculty of Theology, Copenhagen University, Sept. 1, 2008 to October 30, 2010.

  • Post-doctoral fellow: Dept. Systematic Theology, Copenhagen University, Faculty of Theology, June 2006 – august 2008.

  • Non-permanent lecturer, Uppsala University, Faculty of Theology: 2003-2006; Copenhagen University, Faculty of Theology: 2008-2009.

  • 2006 ESSSAT research prize winner


Selected Publications:




  • 2016. The Human Being, the World and God: Studies at the Interface of Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind and Neuroscience. Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland.

  • 2007. SACRED or NEURAL? The Potential of Neuroscience to Explain Religious Experience. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG.


Edited volumes


  • Anne L.C. Runehov & Lluis Oviedo. (Eds.) 2013. Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. 4 volumes. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media.

  • Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne Runehov and Knut-Willy Saether and Bernard Michollet (Eds.) 2020. Issues in Science and Theology: Nature – and Beyond. Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland.

  • Hans Ferdinand Angel, Lluis Oviedo, Ray Paloutzian, Anne Runehov and Rüdiger Seitz. (Eds.) 2017. Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions. Switzerland: Springer.

  • Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne Runehov and Knut-Willy Saether. (Eds.) 2017. Issues in Science and Theology: Are we Special? Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland.

  • Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne Runehov and Knut-Willy Saether. (Eds.) 2016. Issues in Science and Theology: Do Emotions Shape the World? Vol. 3, Switzerland: Springer Intl. Publ

  • Runehov, Anne L.C., Charles Taliaferro, 2013. “Understanding Darwin or Darwinian Understanding” Copenhagen University Discussions in Science and Religion, Vol. II. Copenhagen: Faculty of Theology Publications.

  • Runehov, Anne L.C., Niels Henrik Gregersen and Jacob Wolf. (Eds.) 2010. “The Human Project in Science and Religion.” Copenhagen University Discussions in Science and Religion, Vol. I. Copenhagen: Faculty of Theology Series.


Selection of Articles and Book Chapters


  • 2018. “Filosofiska metoder i praktiken: hur kan man arbeta som neurofilosof?” In Uppsala Studies in Philosophy of Religion. (Eds.) Mikael Stenmark, Ulf Zachariasson och Karin Johannesson, Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 155-176.

  • 2017. “Credition and Justification”. In Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions. (Eds.) Hans Ferdinand Angel, Lluis Oviedo, Ray Paloutzian, Anne Runehov and Rüdiger Seitz, Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland. 195-208.

  • 2016. “Cognitive or Affective? A Philosophical Analysis of Modes of Understanding Compassion”. In Issues in Science and Theology: Do Emotions Shape the World? Eds. Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne Runehov and Knut-Willy Saether, Springer Intl. Publ. Switzerland, 87-98.

  • 2016. “How to Understand Time in relation to Timeless Divine Action in a Time-Dependent World?” In Embracing the Ivory Tower and Stained Glass Windows. (Ed). Jennifer Baldwin, Switzerland: Springer Intl. Publ. 27-44.

  • 2014 “God or Ultimate Reality in Theory and Practice.” In Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality, (Eds.) Stefan Schmidt, and Harald Walach, New York and Berlin: Springer Verlag GmbH. Chap. 17, 297-317.

  • 2014 “Leder neurovidenskabelige forklaringer på religiøse erfaringer till naturalism?” In Noget og Nogen – et mellemværder. En samtale mellem teologien og naturvidenskaberne. (Eds.) JøBo Christensen og Nicolai Halvorsen. Fredriksberg: Aros Forlag, 177-200.

  • 2012. “Om religiös respektive vetenskaplig fundamentalism.” (Religious vs. Scientific Fundamentalism). In Att undervisa om religion och vetenskap. Eds. Olof Franck and Mikael Stenmark, Lund: Studentliteratur AB, 113-13.

  • 2012. “Imago Dei and Simulatio or Imitatio Dei: A Philosophical Essay on Empathy.” Theology and Science, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Vol. 10, No. 4, 411-431.

  • Walach, Harald and Anne L.C. Runehov. 2010. “The Epistemology Status of Transpersonal Psychology – The Data-Base Argument Revisited.” Journal of Consciousness Studies 17: 1-2, 145-165.

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